This class contains methods that can be helpful when working with color (in particular color models: RGB, HSV, etc.).
The package name of this class is hubitat.helper
. So to use in an app or driver, you would reference it with hubitat.helper.ColorUtils
Convert RGB hex string to list of rgb values.
List hexToRGB(String hexRGB)
hexRGB - RGB hex value prepended with "#"
List - The hexRGB string returned as a list of Integer values.
log.debug hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.hexToRGB("#7EFF00") == [126,255,0]
Convert RGB list value to hex string.
String rgbToHEX(List RGB)
RGB - Red, Green, Blue (valid values are 0..255)
String - The RGB value of the integer list encoded as a hex string.
log.debug hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.rgbToHEX([126,255,0]) == "#7EFF00"
Convert RGB list values to Hue, Saturation and Level list
List rgbToHSV(List RGB)
List - the rgb list to convert
List - Hue, Saturation and Level
log.debug hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.rgbToHSV([126,255,0]) == [25.1, 100.0, 100.0]
Convert Hue, Saturation and Level list to rgb list
List hsvToRGB(List HSV)
List - the hsv list to convert. (valid values are 0..100)
List - The HSV List returned as a list of rgb Integer values.
log.debug hubitat.helper.ColorUtils.hsvToRGB([25.1, 100.0, 100.0]) == [126, 255, 0]