It is recommended to use a Hue Bridge when connecting Hue bulbs to Hubitat Elevation for optimal results. Even though Hue bulbs use Zigbee and can talk directly to your hub, they may interfere with the routing of the Zigbee network traffic when connected directly to Hubitat Elevation without a bridge. Once connected through the Hue Bridge Integration app, your bulbs can be used just as if they were directly paired with your hub.
Your Hue devices must first be configured in the Hue mobile app before they can be added to Hubitat (that is, Hubitat cannot be used to set up your Hue system itself). Once you have your Hue system set up, you can add devices and other features from your Hue setup into Hubitat by following the steps below.
From the sidebar of your hub, select Apps and press the Add Built-In App button.
Choose the Hue Bridge Integration from the list of built-in apps
Discovery of your Hue Bridge(s) will begin.
Select your Hue Bridge from the "Discovered bridges" list, then select Next to continue. Press the button on top of your Hue Bridge shortly before or after doing this to authorize the connection.
Within a minute, the app should note that the Bridge has been linked to your hub. When this confirmation appears, select Next to begin adding lights and other devices from the Hue Bridge to your Hubitat Elevation hub.
The Hue Bridge integration supports adding the following Hue features or devices to your Hubitat Elevation hub:
To add a new device from your Hue system to Hubitat, open the Hue Bridge integration app from the Apps list and select the appropriate option on the main page, e.g., Manage Lights to add new bulbs, lightstrips, or outlets. (No devices you add to your Hue Bridge are automatically added to Hubitat, nor are devices you remove from the Hue Bridge automatically removed from Hubitat. Devices can be removed from their device detail page if desired, whether or not they exist on your Hue network.)
Use of Smart Scenes (accessible on Scenes page), motion sensors, contact sensors, and button/rotary devices requires use of the Hue V2 API, the default for new installations and an option that can be enabled on any existing setup with a compatible Bridge (see below).
The Hue app presents various options to configure how the integration app and drivers work, including:
Prefer V2 Hue API (EventStream/Server-Sent Events) if available: Uses the Hue V2 API, supported on Hue V2 (square) bridges with firmware 1948086000 or newer. Firmware 1955082050 or later is required for use of V2 with this integration. The Hue mobile app can update your Bridge firmware if needed.
Use V1 API for polling on Bridge (if polling enabled)...: Uses the Hue V1 API for polling (if configured; see next setting). This setting is displayed only if the V2 API is enabled (you will see only this option or the above option to enable V2). Enabling this setting is the default and is recommended for now, although we may change this recommendation in the futrue as the integration continues to use more of the V2 API data (particularly color and color temperature data, the main advantage of V1 parsing at the moment).
Poll bridge every...: Sets the polling interval, the frequency at which the app polls the Hue Bridge to retrieve new device states. The default is 1 minute. V1 API users who make frequent changes outside Hubitat that they need to be reflected in Hubitat (e.g., on/off state of a light) may wish to keep this setting or slightly lower it if needed. V1 API users who make nearly all changes within Hubitat or V2 API users may feel comfortable increasing this interval. While less frequent is less work for the hub, too infrequent may result in device states not updating on Hubitat for some users (particularly with the V1 API).
Most Hue devices support standard commands and attributes, for example, "On" and "Off" to turn on and off lights, groups, etc.
As mentioned above, the Hue Bridge Integration allows creating a device on Hubitat to activate a scene on the Hue Bridge. It is best to think of this device as an activator only. In the Hue mobile app, you can activate a scene; there is no way to "turn off" a scene, just the room or zone to which it belongs. Similarly, in Hubitat, you can activate a Hue scene using the scene device. The "Push" command with button number 1 is the recommended method for doing this, although the "On" command will perform the same action and can be used with apps that do not support push commands (e.g., most voice assistant integrations).
As a consequence of the above, turning off a scene device on Hubitat will not turn off the lights (or group, i.e., room/zone) associated with the scene. To do that, turn off the corresponding light or group device(s) instead, just as you would in the Hue mobile app. The "Off" command has no effect on a standard Hue scene device on Hubitat (other than changing the state of the scene device as reported on the hub, generally not useful for automations). With a Hue smart scene (also known as a 24-hour scene), the "Off" command does have the effect of reverting to standard Hue scene behavior, i.e., making the scheduled changes no longer in effect, the same as selecting a different scene in the Hue mobile app would do (which again does not turn off the lights).
As one practical application of the above: if you use a Hue scene as part of a Room Lighting instance, for example, you will normally want to use the Hue scene device for "Act" (activation) and the group/room/zone device as for "Off" (Turn Off) only.
This integration offers advanced scene activation options to override the default behavior. These are supported with regular Hue scenes (not smart scenes) only and only when using the V2 API. To use these custom activations, use the "Push" command on the scene device with the following button numbers:
The custom transition duration and custom brightness for activation are specified in the "Custom brightness level..." and "Custom duration..." preferences on the Preferences tab of the device detail page for the scene device (only applicable to custom activation types using button number 4 and higher as noted above).
The Hue integration received significant updates in Hubitat platform version 2.4.0, adding support for scenes and more Hue device types than before. No special care is required when upgrading; however, users may wish to enable the use of the Hue V2 API (on the main page of the integration app) to take more advantage of the new features.
If you choose to downgrade to a previous platform version after upgrading (i.e., platform 2.4.0 to version 2.3.9 or earlier), you must restore a matching hub database from Settings > Backup and Restore (such as the one you took before upgrading, as recommended), meaning a database from platform version 2.3.9 or earlier. If you require additional guidance for downgrades or suspect an issue with the upgrade, we suggest reaching out on the Community forum, where staff can offer additional assistance.