The Device Detail "flyover" or page is accessed by navigating to Devices (in the sidebar of the hub UI) and then selecting a particular device from the list. Selecting the device in the list will pop the flyover over the Devices page by default, allowing you to view and interact with the device without leaving the Devices page. Alternatively, selecting the outward-arrows icon will open the device detail page in a new window or tab, which may be helpful for viewing or testing multiple devices at the same time (or for users used to older hub platform versions where this was the only option). Both contain the same information.
The device details flyover or page allows you to view the current device state; manually send commands to the device; edit device information; and view or edit the device name, preferences, and other details about the device. This page may look slightly different for different devices, depending on the device and driver.
The page is divided into various tabs (A) with different contents:
The Commands tab allows you to view commands that the device supports, send these commands, and view the current states of the device. Information on this tab includes:
function. This function usually sends configuration commands to the Zigbee or Z-Wave device, instructing those devices on how to report status updates back to the Hubitat hub or setting preferences chosen in the UI. This normally happens automatically whenever a device is initially added to the hub, but it is also generally a good idea to run if you manually change drivers.switch
attribute has a value of off
. Changes in these states are the primary way by which device-based automations on the hub can be created (e.g., when X happens, do Y).The Preferences tab is where you can configure device or driver behavior. Most drivers offer options to enable or disable debug logging (which may be helpful for troubleshooting device behavior or working with the driver developer) or event description text logging (which can be helpful to see event history in Logs if that is helpful for device or app troubleshooting). Devices may also have some settings that you can configure here. The exact options here will vary by driver and device. Consult the device user manual or, if applicable, the custom driver developer for details on what any particular option may do. Select Save (below the preferences) to save any changes made on this tab.
The Device Info tab is where you can change the device name or label and view or change other settings related to the device on your hub. Options include:
Device Name vs. Device Label: The “Device Name” is used as the display name if no “Device Label” is specified; otherwise, the “Device Label” is used. The display name affects how devices appear in device lists inside apps, in logs, and other places throughout the interface — as well as the default name when used with apps that provide integrations to other services, like Alexa, Google Home, or HomeKit. Most devices let you edit either or both to your liking. In some case, the "Device Name" may be set by a parent driver/app or integration. In general, we recommend using "Device Label" as the name you want to see and use for a given device.
The In Use By tab shows what apps are using this device. This can be helpful when troubleshooting device behavior (e.g., figuring out which apps/automations you have set up that may have sent a command to the device) or when removing a device from your hub (because you should de-select the device in all such apps first to avoid creating a problem caused by unexpected removal).
The Scheduled Jobs tab shows any jobs the driver has scheduled for itself. Note that this does not reflect anything that an app (automation) may have scheduled for that device; that information would be found in App Status, generally as configured in the app's regular interface. (This information is often only useful when troubleshooting a driver with the developer or driver code you are writing as a developer yourself.)
The Events tab shows a recent history of events (as would have been seen as changes under "Current States") and commands sent to the device (even if no state change resulted). Both can be helpful for troubleshooting. See device events for more details.
The Logs tab displays a list of Past Logs page filtered to entries for this device. Go to the hub Logs page for more information.
The Disable (or Enable) button (G) disables the device, which prevents any driver code from running for this particular device. This can be useful for troubleshooting hub problems or as an unusual (but possible) way to stop automations related to this device. Note that this feature relates to use of the device on the hub only and has no effect on the underlying protocol (e.g., it will not prevent a Z-Wave device from participating in your Z-Wave mesh network). The Enable button restores the device to regular behavior on the hub if disabled.
The Remove button (H) allows you to remove the device from Hubitat. Be sure to remove the device from any apps using the device before removing it; apps using the device will be shown under the In Use By tab. If this device is a Z-Wave device, be sure to put the device in exclusion mode (check the manufacturer's instructions) when using this option. Most Zigbee devices do not require this, though you may still reset the device manually if necessary; nor do most Matter, LAN, and other devices. However, the manual for your device should have specific exclusion or removal instructions if needed.