The Rooms feature is accessible from the Rooms link on the sidebar of the hub interface. Rooms provides a simple way to categorize any number of devices into different rooms, generally intended to correspond to actual rooms in your home. This feature is relatively new and evolving, but current uses of Rooms include:
- being able to use the Rooms page itself to see devices sorted by room, according to your categories — as opposed to the Devices page with everything in one list
- seeing devices sorted by room in the Devices tab of the Hubitat mobile app (if the device type is supported by this feature; only switches, bulbs, dimmers, and similar devices are at the moment) — this is sort of a simple Dashboard alternative that requires minimal setup
- allowing some apps, including Room Lighting, to make intelligent guesses about default configuration based on what devices you have in a room
The Rooms page lists existing rooms, shows devices in those rooms, allows creating new rooms, and offers several options for how the page is displayed:
- The search box (A) allows you to filter the list of devices based on search terms (rooms without matching devices will be collapsed)
- The Clear button (B) clears the search filter
- The list view (pictured) or grid view icon (C) allows you to switch between list view (pictured) or grid view. The difference is similar to the same views on the Devices and Apps pages
- The display settings icon (D) allows you to configure the display of the list/table view, including hiding or showing certain columns and offers an additional way to switch between list and grid view
- The collapse (E) and expand (F) icons expand or collapse all rooms, showing or hiding all devices contained in that room
- The New Room button (G) allows adding a room to this list
- The table (H) shows a list of rooms, plus devices contained in that room (e.g., K)
- The expand/collapse icon (J) expands or collapses that particular room, showing or hiding devices inside that room
The values displayed in the list (table) or grid view are generally similar to those on the Devices page.
Selecting the room name, for example, Bedroom, will take you to the room detail page. This page allows editing the name of the room, adding or removing devices from the room, and (not currently used except on this page) adding a picture of the room.
You do not need to go to the Rooms page or the room detail page to assign a device to a room. Other ways a device can be assigned to a room include:
- assigning a device to a room directly from its device detail page
- you will also be prompted to choose a room when adding a new device to your hub (but if you skip this option, you can assign a room later using any of the above options)