Your hub's home page is where you will land if you type your hub IP address into your browser
NOTE: You must be on the same network as the hub to access it on your local network. You can use the optional Remote Admin service to access the hub outside your own network. You do not need either of these options for monitoring or control of devices (this interface is generally necessary to access only when setting up your hub, adding or removing devices, or creating or modifying apps).
Hubitat® Dashboard is a built-in app with both local and cloud options that can be used to view and control devices, as is the "Devices" feature in the mobile app (the app can also be used to easily access configured Hubitat® Dashboards, though it is not required for this).
NOTE: It is a good idea to bookmark your hub home page for quick access (and configure a DHCP reservation in your router so it does not change IP addresses; see Registration and Setup for more).
These and quick links to other tools are also available using the “cards” on the right (F).
To show/hide "Apps Code," "Drivers Code," and other developer and custom code tools, select the arrows icon:
These links expose features that are necessary to add custom code to your hub as either a developer or a consumer of custom apps, drivers, or libraries. Note that support for any such code may be provided by the developer but is not officially provided by Hubitat.
The set of arrows next to the Developer Tools and Resources headings may be used to expand/collpase (show or hide) the menu entries underneath these headings. If you see the heading but not the menu items, ensure the section is expanded.
In the top right of the header on every hub page, you will see three items:
As you navigate to other pages, the hub name may show breadcrumbs indicating where you are, e.g., "My Hub > Devices" when you are on the Devices page. Selecting "My Hub" (or whatever your hub name is) will return you to this page, and in some cases you may also be able to select another path between the home page and your current page to navigate back to that page.
The main body of the page contains a quick overview of select device types on your hub; easy access to manage rooms, devices, and apps; and a view into the status of many types of devices, sorted by room (as configured in Rooms).
The status summary (D) provides a quick overview of temperature sensors and thermostats, lights (switches, dimmers, and bulbs), security (locks), hub mode, and Hubitat Safety Monitor status. By default, all matching non-virtual devices are included in summaries, but virtual devices can be included or excluded using the settings icon (towards the top right). To exclude specific devices from the status summary, hide the devices (see below; settings/gear icon near E) from the home page. Only devices displayed on this page are included in these summaries.
The Add room, Add device, and Add app buttons (F, G, and H) provide a quick way to add a room, device, or built-in app to your hub. More advanced management of these features can be done on the Rooms, Devices, or Apps pages themselves.
The Get Started section (J) provides links to documentation and other information that may be helpful for new hub users, including a list of compatible devices and how to add devices. This section can be hidden by selecting the Do not show again link at the bottom of this section.
The rest of the page provides an overview of device state for common types of devices (similar to a very simple dashboard, though more customizable options such as Easy Dashboard and Hubitat Dashboard are available, more customizable, and generally simpler to access). This is is illustrated by the sections (rooms) and tiles (devices) labeled K above. Selecting a device here (clicking or tapping on the name) will take you to the device detail page for this device, allowing you to view more information.
A section/room can be collapsed or expanded using the expand or collapse arrows for the individual room (M) or all rooms at the same time (inward and outward arrows in E). By default, all rooms are expanded and show all (non-hidden) devices underneath the room name. When collapsed, a room name is reduced to a single tile with an expand arrow that can be used to again show the devices inside that room. For common device types, the device tile will contain an icon representing one of the current states of the device (motion active/inactive, contact open/closed, switch on/off, etc.). Selecting the device name will navigate you to the Rooms page with this device highlighted; from there, you can access the device detail page page.
If you do not want to see certain devices in this view, they can be hidden using the eye icon in the top right of the device tile. By default, these will then be hidden. To show hidden devices, select the eye icon at the top of the page (L). A hidden device can be un-hidden by first enabling display of hidden devices using this option and then selecting the eye-with-slash icon in the top right of that device tile (which is now visible) to un-hide. Hiding a device also excludes it from the status summary at the top of the page.
The footer (not pictured; this will appear at the very bottom of the page) contains helpful links: